Three Cup Chicken (San Bei Ji)

Three Cup Chicken (San Bei Ji)

Today, I want to share with you a Taiwanese delicacy I learned from a friend’s mother in Taiwan – Three Cup Chicken (San Bei Ji).

A few years ago, while on assignment in Taiwan, I had the opportunity to taste this authentic Taiwanese dish for the first time at a friend’s home. The chicken was so succulent and richly infused with the sauce that each bite made me exaggerate my expressions of delight.


Interestingly, Three Cup Chicken (San Bei Ji) originally came from Jiangxi province, later brought to Taiwan by the Hakka people and subsequently popularized. The dish, whether in its Jiangxi or Taiwanese form, revolves around three key ingredients – a cup of soy sauce, a cup of sesame oil, and a cup of rice wine, hence its name.

A crucial addition to the Taiwanese version is basil leaves. The secret to its juiciness is the cooking process, where no water is added. Instead, the chicken is simmered solely in the sauce, allowing the meat to absorb all the flavorful juices.


I love a bit of spice in my food, so I added some chili peppers to personalize the dish while still adhering to the authentic Taiwanese method. To capture the true Taiwanese flavor, it’s best to use ingredients from Taiwan. Here are the soulful ingredients of Taiwanese Three Cup Chicken (San Bei Ji):

Three Cup Chicken (San Bei Ji) “The Three Musketeers”

Three Cup Chicken (San Bei Ji)


  • Chicken pieces
  • Sesame oil
  • Soy sauce
  • Rice wine
  • Rock sugar
  • Green onions, ginger, garlic
  • Chili peppers
  • Basil


1. Slice the ginger and garlic, and cut the chili peppers and green onions into sections.


2. Blanch the chicken pieces with half of the ginger slices to remove any impurities, then drain them.


3. Heat a wok and pour in the sesame oil (no need for additional oil). Sauté the chili peppers, remaining ginger, and garlic until fragrant.


4. Add the chicken to the wok, along with equal parts of soy sauce and rice wine.


5. Cover and bring to a boil over high heat.


6. Once boiling, reduce to low heat and add rock sugar.


7. Cover and simmer for about 15 minutes before preparing to reduce the sauce. Add fresh basil leaves just before serving.


The liquid in the pot should be mostly oil with a touch of caramelized sugar. Be careful not to overcook, which can cause the chicken to lose its juiciness.

I believe the biggest challenge in making Three Cup Chicken (San Bei Ji) is restraint – to resist the urge to devour it before it’s even served!


This recipe isn’t just for chicken; you can use any meat you prefer, ideally with bones, like pork trotters or duck tongues.

There are no specific measurements in this recipe. Why? Because cooking, like art, should be free of too many rules. Be bold, play around with the flavors, and you’ll create a dish that captures your essence: your taste.

Cooking Tips:

  1. Ingredient Proportions: While the traditional recipe calls for equal parts of soy sauce, sesame oil, and rice wine, feel free to adjust these to suit your taste.
  2. The Right Cut of Meat: Chicken thighs or legs are ideal for their tenderness and ability to absorb flavors.
  3. Sauce Reduction: The key to a perfect Three Cup Chicken (San Bei Ji) is reducing the sauce to just the right consistency – it should coat the chicken but not be overly thick.
  4. Fresh Basil: Adding basil at the end of cooking preserves its fragrance and adds a fresh counterpoint to the rich sauce.
  5. Serve Immediately: For the best flavor and texture, Three Cup Chicken (San Bei Ji) should be served hot right after it’s cooked.

Embrace the art of cooking with this recipe, and let your culinary creativity shine through with your version of Three Cup Chicken (San Bei Ji). Enjoy the fusion of flavors and the joy of sharing this delightful dish with friends and family!

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