Sweet and Sour Pork

Sweet and Sour Pork

I’ve always found my mother to be one of the most paradoxical people in the world. She’d spend her days coaxing me into eating more, yet often withheld my favorite dishes, like Sweet and Sour Pork. She claimed it was too “heaty” and only made it as a reward when I did well in school or behaved exceptionally. Eating it was always a special joy, not just for its delicious taste but also as a token of my efforts.


As my tastes have evolved, Sweet and Sour Pork remains my go-to treat when I feel I deserve a little reward.


Sweet and Sour Pork, while common in many restaurants, is often imperfect. The two key areas many need to catch up on are frying the pork and balancing the sweet and sour sauce. Some restaurants hastily coat the pork in batter, resulting in a too-thick or too-thin crust that feels like an “armor” or becomes soggy when soaked in sauce.


Making a crispy and delicious crust is not difficult. Just mix some potato starch into the flour, and you’re set.
In my experience, the best flour ratio to potato starch is 3:2.
Besides adding starch, I have another secret: add a small spoonful of baking powder to the batter.
Baking powder releases gas when it meets water and high heat, making the pork’s crust more fluffy and crispy, giving it a light and airy feel when eaten.
Once you’ve nailed frying the pork, you’ve already achieved more than half the success of this dish.


The remaining effort is in making the sweet and sour sauce. Roll the fried pork in the sauce, and the dish is complete.


White vinegar keeps the sweetness from being too sentimental, while the sugar softens the sourness.
Add some tomato sauce to bind them together, enhancing the aroma and the color. The bright orange color of the sauce is so delicious at first glance.


I’ve adjusted the proportions; follow the recipe below, and you’ll get it right.
The principle is the same once you’ve mastered this recipe, whether it’s sweet and sour pork or fish.
I’ve even tried using it to coat and fry potato sticks, and the flavor was equally fantastic. You should give it a try, too!

Sweet and Sour Pork – 糖醋里脊 –


  • For the Pork Marinade:
    • 500g pork tenderloin (or pork chops)
    • 2g salt
    • 0.5g white pepper
    • 3g cooking wine
    • 30g ginger and spring onion water
    • 1 egg yolk
    • 5g cooking oil
  • For the Batter:
    • 60g all-purpose flour
    • 40g potato starch
    • 2g baking powder
    • 2g salt
    • 1g white pepper
    • 100-120g water
  • For the Sweet and Sour Sauce:
    • 40g tomato ketchup
    • 20g white vinegar
    • 40g sugar
    • 2g salt
    • Sesame seeds and green onions for garnish


1. Prepare the pork by washing, drying, and trimming any excess membrane. Flatten with the back of a knife and cut into 1.5cm thick slices, then into 0.5cm strips. Tenderloin is preferred for its flavor, but pork chops can also be used. Tenderizing the pork ensures it absorbs the marinade better.


2. Marinate the pork strips with salt and white pepper, and then add ginger and spring onion water in 2-3 batches, mixing thoroughly. Finally, blend in an egg yolk and 5g of oil to lock in moisture. Ginger and spring onion water helps to remove any gamey taste and enhances flavor.


3. Mix flour, potato starch, baking powder, salt, and white pepper for the batter. Gradually add water, stirring until smooth and slightly thick.


4. Coat the marinated pork strips evenly in the batter.


5. Heat oil to 160°C (320°F) in a pan, and deep-fry the pork for about 90 seconds until it floats to the surface and turns light golden brown. Drain them on paper towels.


6. Increase the oil temperature to 190°C (374°F) and double-fry the pork for 30 seconds until golden and crispy.


7. Mix tomato ketchup, white vinegar, sugar, and salt for the sauce in a pan, and cook until it bubbles and thickens. Toss in the fried pork strips, ensuring they are well-coated. For a refreshing twist, replace some vinegar with lemon juice.


A well-made Sweet and Sour Pork should have a crisp exterior while retaining juiciness. The perfect balance of sweet and sour, crispy outside and tender inside, is the highest praise for this dish.
After enjoying this dish, I always feel recharged and satisfied. Timely rewards can bring lasting joy and fulfillment.


Cooking Tips:

  • Achieving the Perfect Batter: The 3:2 flour to potato starch ratio ensures a crispy texture. Adding baking powder creates a lighter, airier crust.
  • Frying Technique: Double-frying the pork at two different temperatures guarantees a crispy exterior and a juicy interior.
  • Sauce Consistency: The key to an excellent sweet and sour sauce is balancing the sweetness of the sugar with the tanginess of the vinegar, complemented by the tomato ketchup for added flavor and color.

Feel free to try this batter and sauce combination with other ingredients like fish or potato fries for a delightful twist!

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