Sichuan Boiled Beef

Sichuan Boiled Beef

Winter has finally arrived in Guangdong, and on weekends, the comfort of my bed becomes irresistible. 

But making Sichuan Boiled Beef gets me out of bed every time.


This dish is almost a national favorite, a staple in any Sichuan restaurant. I still remember my first experience with it. I thought “boiled” would mean mild, but a pot of fiery red soup greeted me.


The beef, glistening under the bright red oil, was too tempting to resist, even though it was fiery hot. That experience hooked me on Sichuan cuisine, and I’ve been perfecting my spice tolerance ever since.


Sichuan Boiled Beef is a great entry-level dish for Sichuan cooking enthusiasts. The secret lies in “a spicy, numbing broth and tender, flavorful beef.”

I’ve often heard complaints about beef turning out tougher than rubber. The key to tender beef lies in how you cook it; this dish is a perfect example. Be patient and keep reading; I’ll share how to make your beef melt in your mouth.

Sichuan Boiled Beef – 水煮牛肉 –


  • Beef: 250g (sliced thinly)
  • Cucumber: 1 medium (sliced or julienned)
  • Bean sprouts: 100g (blanched)
  • Cooking wine: A suitable amount (typically 1-2 tablespoons)
  • Oil: As needed for frying
  • Pepper powder: To taste (about 1 teaspoon)
  • Soy sauce: To taste (about 1-2 tablespoons)
  • Cornstarch: A suitable amount (typically 1-2 tablespoons for marinating)
  • Crushed peanuts: A small handful
  • Sesame seeds: 1 tablespoon
  • Minced garlic: 2-3 cloves worth
  • Chili powder: To taste
  • Sichuan peppercorns: 1 tablespoon
  • Star anise: 2-3 pieces
  • Pixian bean paste: 2 tablespoons
  • Salt: To taste


1. Slice the beef as thinly as possible. Marinate with cooking wine, salad oil, pepper powder, soy sauce, and cornstarch for ten minutes.


2. Blanch the bean sprouts and lay them at the bottom of a large bowl. You can add other vegetables as you like.


3. Heat oil in a pot and fry green onions, ginger, Sichuan peppercorns, star anise, Pixian bean paste, and dried chili to release the red oil, then pour in hot water.


4. When the water boils, add the beef slices, quickly stir to separate, and season with salt and soy sauce. Keep the heat high and remove the beef as soon as it changes color. Don’t hesitate; the beef will be further cooked with hot oil later.


5. Layer the cucumber and cooked beef over the bean sprouts, and pour some broth.


6. Finally, top with crushed peanuts, sesame seeds, minced garlic, and chili powder. Heat peanut oil until very hot and drizzle it over the beef.


The most satisfying part of making this dish is pouring hot oil over it, releasing a burst of aroma. The beef comes out of the broth spicy and numbing yet surprisingly tender and smooth. What a lovely way to spend the weekend!


Cooking Tips for Tender Beef:

1. Choose tender beef cuts, like tenderloin, known for their soft texture. Just ask for tender beef at your local market if you need clarification.

2. Cutting the beef is crucial. To break down the connective tissues, slice perpendicular to the grain.


3. Improve the texture by marinating the beef with cornstarch or egg white to retain moisture during cooking. Adding a bit of tomato can soften the beef fibers due to its acidity. Papaya is another great tenderizer, thanks to its protein-dissolving enzymes.


4. The most crucial aspect is the one I mentioned earlier: high heat and quick cooking. Hesitation will make the beef tough.

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