8 Best Healthy Porridges Guide

8 Best Healthy Porridges Guide

Recently, the weather has been quite dry, and every morning, I wake up with a throat that feels uncomfortably clogged. The cold accelerates metabolism, and after a night’s sleep, the body’s glycogen stores are almost depleted, leaving me feeling much hungrier than before. I crave something warm, moisturizing for the lungs, and satisfying – like a bowl of nourishing paste.

This smooth and rich paste is perfect for winter appetites. Accompanied by some breakfast pastries, it’s a warm and comforting start to the day, giving me the courage to face the cold wind outside. When combined well, this health paste is as delicious as milk tea, offering balanced nutrition and helping to regulate the body.


This week, my blender has been working overtime in pursuit of the best combinations and proportions for various health pastes. Trust me, you’ll want to read through this “8 Best Health Healthy Porridges Guide” – it’s a real gain!


Health Food Paste Combination Formula

Traditional Chinese medicine emphasizes the importance of grains and the healing properties of different food colors, symbolizing nourishment for various organs.


The “Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents” also recommend a balanced diet focusing on grains: daily intake of 200-300g of grain, including 50-150g of whole grains and mixed beans, and 50-100g of tubers. Health pastes perfectly align with this principle, addressing the issue of excessive fiber in whole grains that can irritate the stomach.

They are suitable for all ages, including as baby food.


Based on my tests, here’s a simple formula for making these food pastes:

Combination Formula:

  • Mix 100-200g of solids with 0.5-0.7L of water.
  • Solids include grains, beans, nuts, tubers, and white fungus. They can be used alone or in combination.
  • Adding extra sugar is unnecessary if the ingredients are naturally sweet or if sugar intake needs to be controlled.
  • If the ingredients are high in starch and the paste turns out thick, add more water to dilute.

Ingredient Pre-treatment:

  • Wash all beans, nuts, and grains to remove dust. Peel and chop tubers. Soaking white fungus enhances its flavor.

Blender Process:

  • After preparing the ingredients, pour them into the blender. Use the soy milk/grain/health paste/corn juice setting. Heat first, then blend, or blend while heating.


  • After blending, you can add sugar or milk for flavor.
  • According to personal preference, you can also add honey, osmanthus, or rose to enhance the flavor and appearance.

I’ve prepared eight nourishing hot drinks, each with its unique health benefits – there’s definitely one that will catch your fancy!

Nourishing Yin and Beautifying

1. Five-White Drink – 五白饮


  • Sweet almonds 15g,
  • Dried lily bulbs 15g,
  • White fungus 60g,
  • Poria 15g,
  • Lotus seeds 15g,
  • Rock sugar 20g,
  • Water 0.5L.

White foods are great for the lungs; ingredients like lily bulbs, white fungus, and lotus seeds are commonly used in soups to clear heat and moisten the lungs.

I’ve added sweet almonds for soothing the lungs and Poria to invigorate the spleen and remove dampness, making a perfect “Five-White” blend for both lung and skin health.


The blend of these flavors results in a creamy, soothing bowl that’s gentle on both the heart and stomach. The slight bitterness of Poria enhances the subtle sweetness of the other ingredients.


2. Meiling Porridge – 美龄粥


  • Chinese yam 100g,
  • Lily bulbs 10g,
  • Soybeans 20g,
  • Glutinous rice 10g,
  • Rice 10g,
  • Rock sugar 20g,
  • Water 0.5L.

When it comes to white foods, Meiling Porridge is a must-try. It’s made with ingredients like Chinese yam, lily bulbs, and soybeans – all incredibly beneficial for women’s health. This porridge, favored by the famous socialite Ms. Song, is delicious and nourishing.


I prefer using a blender for a quick and tasty porridge – the subtle bean aroma mixed with the smooth and sweet yam and rice grains creates a delightful experience.


Moisturizing Intestines and Relieving Constipation

3. Chickpea Pumpkin Soup – 鹰嘴豆南瓜羹


  • Beibei pumpkin 120g,
  • Chickpeas 40g,
  • Rock sugar 10g,
  • Water 0.5L (You can add 200ml of milk).

Its golden color warms the heart, and the natural sweetness, chestnut, and bean flavors are incredibly pleasing.


I even add little sweet dumplings for extra texture.


Chickpeas, known as the “king of beans,” are rich in protein and fiber and contain all eight essential amino acids. Pumpkins, with their high beta-carotene content, are great for the stomach and eyes.


4. Corn Soy Milk with Millet – 玉米小米豆浆


  • Fresh corn kernels 140g,
  • Soybeans 15g,
  • Millet 10g,
  • Glutinous rice 10g,
  • Rock sugar 10g,
  • Water 0.7L.

Why is the corn milk in stores so delicious? The secret lies in the addition of rice or glutinous rice for thickness. Let’s make an upgraded version with soybeans, millet, and glutinous rice for an even sweeter and smoother drink.


Combining soybeans and corn creates a complete protein profile, similar to meat, making it a great choice for those with weak digestion needing protein.


Invigorating Qi and Nourishing Blood

5. Five-Red Soup – 五红汤


  • Red beans 30g,
  • Pitted red dates 30g,
  • Red-skinned peanuts 20g,
  • Red rice 20g,
  • Goji berries 5g,
  • Rock sugar 10g,
  • Water 0.7L.

Many women suffer from cold hands and feet in winter, possibly due to iron deficiency or poor blood circulation. Try this Five-Red Soup to alleviate these issues.


Red dates, rich in Vitamin C, help with iron absorption and add natural sweetness. Red-skinned peanuts nourish the spleen and stomach, goji berries support the liver, and red beans reduce swelling and promote circulation.


I use red rice instead of brown sugar for a more satisfying and smoother texture. This deliciously sweet and nourishing soup is perfect for those with a pale complexion or light menstrual flow.


Anti-aging and Anti-inflammatory

6. High Vitamin E Cocoa Drink – 高维生素E可可饮


  • Flax seeds 10g,
  • Pumpkin seeds 10g,
  • Almonds 20g,
  • Chickpeas 30g,
  • Cocoa powder 15g,
  • Rock sugar 10g,
  • 0.5L water (You can add 200ml of milk).

This High Vitamin E Cocoa Drink is a delightful surprise, feeling like an indulgent treat while fending off aging.

Cocoa is rich in flavonoid compounds known for their anti-inflammatory properties.


Flax seeds, pumpkin seeds, chickpeas, and almonds are all rich in Vitamin E, an antioxidant star.

This drink is especially beneficial for those with anti-inflammatory and anti-aging needs or for women planning pregnancy.


Kidney Health, Hair Nourishment, and Brain Health

7. Five-Black Drink – 五黑饮


  • Black beans 30g,
  • Black rice 20g,
  • Black sesame seeds 15g,
  • Walnut kernels 20g,
  • Sweet almonds 15g,
  • Rock sugar 20g,
  • 0.7L water.

The “Five-Black Drink” is a widely practiced dietary therapy, based on the principle that “the kidney governs black color and its essence is in the hair.”

Nutritional science also suggests that darker foods contain more anthocyanins and Vitamin C.

While it’s not certain if it directly benefits hair growth, nourishing the body as a whole certainly helps.


Additionally, black sesame seeds, sweet almonds, and walnuts are rich in DHA, highly beneficial for the brain. This drink is particularly suitable for students, workers, and those who use their eyes and brain extensively.

Another variation includes black beans, black rice, black sesame seeds, black mulberries, and black goji berries.


Spleen and Stomach Health

8. Purple Sweet Potato Millet Oatmeal Soup – 紫薯小米燕麦羹


  • Purple sweet potato 140g,
  • Millet 20g,
  • Oats 20g,
  • Rock sugar 10g,
  • Water 0.7L.

Purple sweet potatoes, rich in anthocyanins, selenium, and dietary fiber, combined with stomach-warming millet and low-calorie filling oats, make for a fantastic blend of coarse grains suitable for all ages, from one to a hundred years old.


The natural sweetness of the purple sweet potato and the thick, sticky consistency of the millet blend into a rustic, comforting flavor. You can also replace the purple sweet potato with pumpkin or Chinese yam based on preference.


Embracing the nourishing power of traditional porridge in our daily diet, especially during the colder, drier months, is a step towards healthier eating and a delightful journey into the heart of comfort food.

With their wide variety of ingredients, these food pastes offer a symphony of tastes and health benefits, suitable for all ages and palates.

Let’s cherish these moments of wellness and warmth, one spoonful at a time.

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